CFO Mastermind Group
Because Great Minds Don't Always Think Alike!

Schedule of Meetings
2025 CFO Mastermind Meeting Schedule
Wednesday, January 29th Downers Grove
Thursday, January 30th Zoom
Wednesdsay, February 26th Zoom
Thursday, February 27th Downers Grove
Wednesday, March 26th Chicago
Thursday, March 27th Zoom
Wednesday, April 23rd Zoom
Thursday, April 24th Downers Grove
Wednesday, May 28th Offsite Field Trip to Member's office TBD
Thursday, May 29th Zoom
Wednesday, June 25th Zoom
Thursday, June 26th Downers Grove
Wednesday, July 23rd Offsite @ Medinah Country Club
Wednesday, August 27th Downers Grove
Thursday, August 28th Zoom
Wednesday, September 24th Downers Grove
Thursday, September 25th Zoom
Wednesday, October 22nd Chicago
Thursday, October 23rd Zoom
*Tuesday, November 18th Downers Grove
Wednesday, November 19th Zoom
*denotes odd day
On-site meetings are held at the offices of: HTTC Wealth Partners in Downers Grove, at 1901 Butterfield Road, Suite 1000 in The Esplanade at Locust Point Building. Start time 1pm.
and Alera Group in Chicago, at 410 N. Michigan Avenue,
12th Floor in the Wrigley Building. Start time 1pm.
Virtual meetings are scheduled every month via Zoom. Start time 1pm.
Meetings are generally held the third Wednesday or Thursday of each month.