CFO Mastermind Group
Because Great Minds Don't Always Think Alike!


What Is It?
As Napoleon Hill said: "No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind."
A Mastermind Group is based on an ancient premise that the combined energies of two or
more like-minded people is many, many times greater than the sum of the individual
energies involved. There is synergy of energy, commitment and excitement that
participants bring to a mastermind group. At CFO Mastermind we believe great minds don't
always think alike as the old adage implies. And because of this, sometimes a differing
perspective can help to further the progress of another.
The beauty of mastermind groups is that participants raise the bar by challenging each
other to create and implement goals, brainstorm ideas, and support each other with total
honesty, respect and compassion. Mastermind groups act as catalysts for growth, devil's
advocates and supportive colleagues.
In the CFO Mastermind Group you will:
- Discuss a deep dive topic every month
- Provide value in your company meetings with solutions and different perspectives gained from the CFO Mastermind Group forums.
- Identify, discuss, and solve your problems with a proven methodology - Mastermind Method - with other finance executives
- Increase your own experience and confidence
- Strengthen your knowledge-base
- Be part of an instant and valuable support network
- Create action plans that move you forward and have a group that holds you accountable for fulfilling your plans
- Receive tools and resources to assist you in your professional life
CFO Mastermind Group is facilitated by our President Lou Costabile, who is also the Vice
President of ARS Technology. Our suburban forum is hosted by the Trust Company of
Illinois in Downers Grove, at 1901 Butterfield Road, Suite 1000 in The Esplanade at Locust
Point Building. Our Chicago forum is hosted by Alper Services, at 410 N. Michigan Avenue,
12th Floor in the Wrigley Building.
If you are interested in becoming a member, or visiting one of our meetings please contact
Lou Costabile at 630-673-0780.